ISIS wife defends rape of Yazidi women because it is allowed in the Quran

ISIS wife defends rape of Yazidi women because it is allowed in the Quran

An ISIS ‘wife’ justified the rape and murder of Yazidi women by saying prisoners of war are the “property” of jihadist fighters.

The unidentified female was filmed speaking in English to another woman about the treatment of Yazidi captives, many of whom have been tortured and sexually assaulted at the hands of Islamist militants in Syria.

In the mobile phone footage, she stated that the Quran permitted the abuse of prisoners by claiming: “It’s not rape in Islam..because they are your property”.

After being pressed on the matter, she admitted that she hadn’t read the verse in question and “didn’t know much” about the Islamic holy book.

The footage is believed to have been filmed at a refugee camp in northern Syria as as allied forces aim to wipe out the last vestige of ISIS’s self-declared “caliphate”.

Wearing a niqab and glasses, she said: “They were prisoners of war, and they become slaves, it is in [the] Quran.

“They are property so in Islam you are allowed to use them, it’s not rape in Islam. Because they are your property they are your slaves.’

She added: ‘If it’s in the Quran then who am I to question [it]?’

When asked to provide more details, she says while laughing: “I don’t know much about the Quran.”

Many Islamic scholars have strongly opposed this interpretation of the Quran and say the book tells followers to treat prisoners with respect and to “feed, for the love of Allah, the indigent, the orphan, and the captive.”

US-backed Syrian forces carried out the assault today on the Baghouz enclave, which represents the last shred of populated land held by the jihadists.

The “caliphate” had once spanned a third of Iraq and Syria, but has suffered a series of defeats in recent years.

The Yazidis are a religious sect whose beliefs combine elements of several ancient Middle Eastern religions.

Islamic State considers them devil worshippers and its attacks on the group were condemned as a “genocide” by the United Nations.

“They took women, abused them and killed them,” one freed captive said.

“A woman was shifted from one man to another unless it was to one who had a bit of mercy… if she was in good condition, she would carry on. If not, she would get married to avoid being abused,” she said.

A Yazidi woman who emerged on Thursday spoke of years of enslavement and abuse by the jihadists.

Two Iraqi boys who came out with her, pretending to be her brothers, said many fighters remained dug into tunnels in Baghouz.

The capture of Baghouz will mark the end of Islamic State’s territorial rule over populated areas of Iraq and Syria, and the culmination of a U.S.-backed military campaign waged by the SDF for four years.

After suddenly seizing swathes of land straddling the Iraqi-Syrian border in 2014 and declaring it their caliphate, Islamic State was beaten back by numerous local and foreignf orces in both countries, suffering major defeats in 2017.

However, the jihadists remain a menace. In Iraq they have gone to ground, staging waves of killings and kidnappings.

In Syria, their comrades hold out in remote desert areas and have carried out bombings in areas controlled by the SDF.

Source: Mirror