Iraq declares end of ISIS caliphate with recapture of Grand al-Nuri mosque
You’ve probably seen the video of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi announcing the creation of his caliphate in 2014. He made that announcement in an 850-year-old mosque known as the Grand al-Nuri Mosque in Mosul. Thursday, Iraqi troops recaptured the mosque, or what is left of it, and the Prime Minister declared the caliphate was over.
Aware of the symbolic importance of the mosque, retreating ISIS soldiers blew it up last week and then tried to blame it on a U.S. airstrike.
The end of the fight in Mosul will still leave ISIS in control of a vast amount of territory including the city of Raqqa in Syria.
The Islamic state isn’t dead yet but it is losing territory and with that, the money it uses to sustain itself. CNN Money reports ISIS is bringing in about $16 million per month now compared to $81 million per month two years ago.
Source: Hot Air