Hamas congratulates the Islamic Jihad on the success of the political schools
The Islamic Resistance Movement “Hamas” said in its statement: “We in the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas advance to the brothers in the Islamic Jihad Movement, the Secretary-General and the Political Bureau, the cadres and the fighters, our sincere congratulations and congratulations. Upon completion of the election of the movement’s political position, we ask God Almighty God, may they continue success in their struggle towards achieving the aspirations of our people for liberation and return.
And she added, “Indeed, we bless the brothers of the fighter Ziyad al-Nakhala for renewing the Brotherhood to be loyal in general for the second session,” expressing our pride in our love for the Brotherhood in Islam. Jihad movement by strengthening joint resistance action and permanent and fruitful coordination in support of the steadfastness and struggle of our people against the Zionist entity.
In the past, you emphasized the Hamas movement, along with the Islamic Jihad, on the essence of the path, until the return of the occupation of our land and the liberation of our prisoners and our sanctities.
The Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine ended with general internal elections to select the Secretary General of the Movement and members of the Political Bureau for a new four-year term.
In a press statement about the results of the elections for the Secretary-General and the Movement’s Political Bureau, the movement confirmed that the electoral process took place in a peaceful and democratic manner, in a fraternal spirit and a calm and positive atmosphere, and with the wide participation of the movement’s members, as it reached 95% of those who have the right to vote according to the internal regulations of the movement, in total in Gaza Strip and outside, while members of the political movement were selected. The office in Jerusalem, the West Bank and Jounieh is subject to special security measures due to the different conditions there.
The movement announced that the final results announced by the Central Elections Commission resulted in the victory of the Mujahid Brother Ziyad Al-Nakhla as Secretary-General of the Movement for a second term of four years, and I am “1- Brother Mujahid Akram Muhammad Al-Juri 2- Brother Mujahid Dr. Youssef Muhammad Al-Husseini 3- Brother Mujahid A Nafeth Rashad Azzam 4- Brother of the fighter Dr. Muhammad Saeed Al-Hindi 5- Brother of the fighter Ali Muhammad Abu Shaheen 6- Brother of the fighter Dr. Walid Ali Al-Qatati 7- Brother of the fighter A. Ahmed Khalil Al-Mudall 8- Brother of the fighter A. Muhammad Hassan Hamid 9- Brother Mujahid Ali Ihsan Suleiman Ataya.
Source: weeklyblitz