Civillian killed in terrorist attack in Syria’s al-Bab

Civillian killed in terrorist attack in Syria’s al-Bab

A civilian lost their life in a terrorist attack in Syria’s northern al-Bab district, which was cleared of Daesh terrorists by the Turkish military.

A car bomb was detonated near the Fatima Zahra Mosque in al-Bab on Thursday, Anadolu Agency (AA) reported.

Security forces, who are currently investigating the scene of the attack, suspect that it might have been carried out by the YPG/PKK terrorists.

The Turkish military cleared terrorists from al-Bab in Operation Euphrates Shield in February 2017.

The YPG/PKK, attacking from Syria’s adjacent Tal Rifaat and Manbij regions, often targets Jarablus, Azaz, Afrin and al-Bab.

Turkey launched Operation Euphrates Shield on Aug. 24, 2016, to eliminate the terrorist threat on Turkey’s southern borders posed by Daesh and the YPG/PKK.

Following its liberation, most of al-Bab’s residents have returned to the town, with its population almost doubling from 130,000 in February 2017 to 250,000 in February 2020.

Source: Daily Sabah