ISIS, citing Trump’s criticism of FBI raid, calls U.S. a ‘banana republic’

ISIS, citing Trump’s criticism of FBI raid, calls U.S. a ‘banana republic’

An ISIS publication claimed the United States is a “banana republic,” citing the FBI’s raid of former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate.

Voice of Khurasan, a magazine published by ISIS’s Khorasan Province’s Al Azaim Foundation for Media Production, had an article in its latest issue titled “America from the Land of Free to a Banana Republic,” according to Homeland Security Today. It focused on Trump’s criticism of the raid to retrieve classified material that he took from the White House to his Florida home.

“Donald Trump, an ex-US president who gained animalistic pleasure in butchering innocent Muslims of the third world countries, accused their Federal administration of behaving like the corrupt thugs of the third world countries, when on August 8 the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) raided his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida in search of classified documents,” the magazine said.

The author of the piece used Trump’s frequent criticism, including exact quotes, of the raid and that of his children to demonstrate the U.S.’s supposed fall.

“This ex-president of the US condemned this raid: ‘An assault [that] could only take place in broken, third-world countries.’ He continued to decry that America has ‘now become one of those countries, corrupt at a level not seen before,’” the piece added. “Poverty, healthcare, and other indicators clearly suggest that US citizens are enjoying no better lifestyle than those of the ‘banana republics.’”

The FBI seized more than 11,000 records in its unprecedented Aug. 8 raid, including roughly 100 documents with classification markings, as well as 48 empty folders with classified banner markings. Trump and some of his allies have claimed in public that he declassified the documents, but those declassification arguments have not made it into Trump’s court filings.

Source: msn