Canadian MP questions Justin Trudeau govt’s ‘evidence’ on Khalistani terrorist Hardeep Nijjar’s killing

Canadian MP questions Justin Trudeau govt’s ‘evidence’ on Khalistani terrorist Hardeep Nijjar’s killing

Kevin Vuong, a Canadian MP from Spadina—Fort York, has asked the Justin Trudeau government to provide evidence backing its allegation that the Indian agents were possibly behind the killing of Khalistani terrorist Hardeep Singh Nijjar, a Canadian citizen, in June 2023 in British Columbia (BC).

Earlier, Jagmeet Singh, the head of Canada’s New Democratic Party, an ally of Trudeau’s Liberal Party of Canada, said there was a “clear” indication of a foreign government involvement in the killing of Nijjar, a Canadian citizen.

The NDP, the fourth largest party in the House of Commons, chief also called for the inclusion of India in a probe launched in September of alleged interference in Canadian affairs by other countries, especially China.

“In my experience, as a Sikh Canadian, there have always been suspicions that India was interfering in the democratic rights of Canadians,” Hindustan Times reported quoting the NDP chief.

Questioning the NDP chief on NDTV, Kevin Vuong said, “If Jagmeet Singh has “clear evidence” related to Mr. Nijjar’s death, he has a duty to bring it forward to the appropriate authorities”

“Canada is a country of #RuleOfLaw… Being the leader of a political party does not give you the right to be judge, jury & executioner,” he tweeted.
Tensions flared between the two countries following Trudeau’s explosive allegations against New Delhi. India angrily rejected the allegations as “absurd” and “motivated” and expelled a senior Canadian diplomat in a tit-for-tat move to Ottawa’s expulsion of an Indian official over the case.
Jagmeet Singh’s ‘evidence’ on Nijjar killing?

NDP chief Jagmeet Singh told reporters in Ottawa, “As Prime Minister Traudeu shared publicly, there is Canadian intelligence which indicates that a Canadian citizen was killed on Canadian soil and a foreign government was implicated.”

His views were based on the intelligence briefing he received, the NDP leader said.
“This is unprecedented intelligence that has come forward and that is why we’re going to continue to urge that the Canadian government have a thorough investigation that those responsible are brought forward,” the NDP leader added.
Jagmeet Singh said he received the briefing on materials prepared by former governor-general David Johnston, who had been named as a special rapporteur to explore the issue. Johnston has now resigned from the role.

“The briefings were of the nature where I can confirm what the prime minister has shared publicly, that there is clear intelligence that Canada has that lays out the following case: that a Canadian citizen was killed on Canadian soil and a foreign government was involved … That intelligence is something that I think is very credible.”

Jagmeet Singh further said the US has been very supportive of Canada’s call for transparency from India. “We are going to continue to push for those things,” he added.

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