Isis calls for more attacks across Europe and US, warning recent attacks are ‘just the beginning’
The Islamic State’s (Isis) primary propaganda channels on Telegram have reportedly posted chilling messages about further lone-wolf terror attacks across the US and Europe, where it said its soldiers will “explode, run over people by vehicle and cut off their necks”.
The messages come just days after the terror attacks on London Bridge that killed eight people, and one of them reportedly warns that the recent terror strikes are “just the beginning”.
The Mideast terror group has sent out such “call-to-arms” messages prior to recent major terror attacks. Reuters said that just hours before the London Bridge attack, Isis Telegram channels urged followers to carry out strikes with trucks, knives and guns. A similar call was given just prior to the Westminster attack in March as well.
The messages also come during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, a period during which the Isis has traditionally ramped up terror strikes.
The Mideast terrorist group is known to have numerous channels on Telegram dedicated to communicating with its supporters worldwide. The biggest such propaganda channel is reportedly called the Nashir Agency, which allegedly is the primary Telegram channel distributing official Isis propaganda.
Vocativ reported that a new message surfaced on Telegram just hours after terrorists struck at the Iranian parliament in Tehran on Wednesday (7 June), urging Muslims across the world to “get far away from the gathering places of the Crusaders […] the military places, from their markets…”
The message continued: “These places are targets,” adding that the “soldiers of the Caliphate will explode, run over people by vehicle and cut off their necks.”
On May 22, a suicide bomber blew up killing himself and 22 others at the Manchester Arena, and in the London Bridge terror attack on 3 June, three terrorists first drove a van into a crowd of pedestrians and then attacked people with knives, killing eight and injuring dozens of others.
Isis Telegram channels call on ‘our brothers in Europe’ to ‘hurry’ with their attacks
Another message on a separate Telegram channel read: “These almost daily attacks in your homelands are just the beginning […] thousands of lonely lions has been prepared in your countries.” The message concluded: “[…] wait for the attacks, and we wait too.”
Source: Yahoo News