Daesh attacks Iran-backed militias in Syria
Daesh militants launched two attacks earlier this week against a training camp for Iran-backed militias east of Homs Governorate in central Syria, local sources have revealed. Heavy weapons were used by the militants.
According to the sources, the group’s fighters carried out an attack on Tuesday using short-range Katyusha rockets and 120mm mortar shells. They then attacked Al-Talila camp, which is controlled by the Iran-backed Fatemiyoun Brigade.
On Monday, a similar attack was carried out against the same camp, the sources said. They pointed out that two Daesh militants were killed and eight militiamen were wounded during the attacks.
This is the first attack with heavy weapons by Daesh since the international coalition announced in March 2019 that the group had been defeated in Syria.
Daesh operations have largely declined in the area east of the River Euphrates, which is controlled by Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). However, such operations have increased in the Syrian desert, which is controlled by militias affiliated with the Syrian regime and Iran, especially in the country around Deir Ez-Zur and in the vicinity of Tadmur.
Source: Middle East Monitor