ISIS attacks against Sweida launched from Al-Tanf region
The ISIL terrorists’ massive attacks against different towns and villages in Sweida province were launched from al-Tanf region in Homs province which hosts the US-backed militants, media sources said on Wednesday.
The Arabic-language al-Mayadeen news channel reported that the ISIL terrorists launched heavy attacks against the towns of Douma, Tarba, Shabaki, al-Sowaimareh and Rami in Northern and Northeastern Sweida from al-Tanf region after suicide attacks.
The Syrian army and popular forces repelled the terrorists’ offensives preceded by suicide attacks, killing tens of militants.
Earlier reports today said that the Syrian army soldiers and popular forces engaged in fierce clashes with ISIL in the Southern province of Sweida and managed to repel their heavy attack after inflicting tens of casualties on the terrorists.
The army men, supported by popular force, exchanged heavy fire with ISIL that attacked the villages of al-Matouneh, Douma and Tima in Northeastern Sweida, fending off the terrorists’ offensive.
In the meantime, residents of the village of Rami clashed with ISIL terrorists and did now allow them to enter their region.
Also, the army forces along with popular fighters fought the terrorists in Tal Basir region in Eastern Sweida and captured the region.
Meanwhile, people in the village of Shabaki and the army men laid siege on the terrorists.
Local sources reported that more than 100 civilians were killed and tens of others were wounded in ISIL’s suicide attacks in a local market and in Maslakh district in Sweida city and in several villages in the city outskirt.
The sources further said that two of the suicide attackers were arrested before carrying out their attacks.
Field sources reported last month that the army sent a large convoy of military equipment to the Eastern desert of Sweida.
They added that the convoy which included several tanks, missile-launchers and vehicles equipped with heavy weapons was sent to Tal Sa’ad, the frontline of battle against the ISIL, through the village of al-Janineh in Northeastern Sweida.
Meantime, the Syrian army units engaged in fierce clashes with the ISIL terrorists in Badiyeh region of Sweida province, including al-Harmieh region.
Also, the army’s air force and artillery units pounded the ISIL positions in al-Kara’a, al-Habirieh, Kharbat al-Ambashi and al-Tamthouneh regions, inflicting tolls and damage on them.
Source: Farsnews