ISIS calls for assassination of Barron Trump and release detailed plan how to kill the 11-year-old son of the US President Donald Trump
ISIS is getting desperate in the wake of their caliphate collapsing, and now supporters of the brutal terror group are coordinating the assassination of a shocking target: the 11-year-old son of President Trump, Barron.
According to research by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) ISIS has been coordinating an attack on Barron Trump for weeks, sharing information on social media about where Barron goes to school and demands to “handle” his assassination.
The terror group is suffering from crippling losses on every front of what was once a feared, deadly swath of Iraq and Syria controlled by the terror group. The fighters who have not surrendered are being bombed mercilessly by allied forces. Now, what fighters are left are scattered and getting desperate.
The crumbling fates of the group is due in no small part the ratcheted up American military coordination with security forces fueled by the Trump administration. The Trump foreign policy of bombing the “shit” out of ISIS has received a full-throated endorsement by the generals in charge of the campaign.
Source: Daily Caller