Arresting an ISIS collaborator in Hasaka City

Arresting an ISIS collaborator in Hasaka City

According to the General Command of the Syrian Democratic Forces, “the special units of the Syrian Democratic Forces, with the participation of the international coalition forces, conducted a security operation inside the city of Hasaka, in which they targeted a wanted person who works for the terrorist organization ISIS.”

“The operation targeted the house of a wanted man in al-Qamishli street in Hasaka and his money-transfer office located in al-Mufti neighborhood. The arrestee was responsible for facilitating the funding of ISIS cells and their leaders in the regions of NE Syria, and smart tabs and electric equipment were confiscated.

Added” This operation is coinciding with the Operation Humanity & Security taking place in the al-Hol camp, plus its is part of the continuous efforts exerted by our SDF and the International Coalition to drain the sources of ISIS’ funds to ensure the enduring defeat of ISIS and maintain the safety and security of the region.”

Source: Hawar News