Two men arrested for plotting attacks
A COPYCAT bucket bomb plot like Parsons Green was foiled by fluke after a landlord evicted the suspected terror cell from their secret HQ, The Sun can reveal.
He stumbled across a cache of materials and alerted cops after turfing out two men for not paying their rent on the house in Bury, Greater Manchester.
The haul – which the landlord snapped on his mobile phone – included a large bucket with plastic boxes taped to the sides, electrical tools and images of guns.
Anti-terror cops swooped soon after and arrested two men while MI5 also launched an urgent probe into the alleged network.
Neither man was believed to be on the radar of the authorities.
The suspected cell’s targets are believed to have included police and military buildings or events.
And when police subsequently searched the empty property on June 4 they also found axes, knives and “bear-claw” ninja weapons.
Other items recovered included balaclavas, combat gear, camouflage make-up and ISIS propaganda on a Samsung tablet.
A source said: “The lads hadn’t paid any rent for a few months, so the landlord turned up and had a look around to see if there was any damage.
“They were begging the landlord to let them stay for just two more weeks, then they said they would leave.
Source: thesun