LLL - GFATF - Entity Cover Img
GFATF - LLL - Amer Al Haggagi

Amer Al-Haggagi


Born: 1997;

Place of Birth: United States;

Gender: Male;

Nationality: American;

General Info:
Amer Al-Haggagi is an East Bay man serving prison time for talking about wanting to kill some 10,000 Bay Area residents.

He was sentenced for charges of identity theft and trying to provide material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization.

Prosecutors also said that he was using social media to support the Islamic State terrorist group.

He admitted he created Twitter, Facebook and Gmail accounts for people he met in online chat rooms who he thought were Islamic State supporters.

Surveillance video recorded over two years by undercover agents captured Alhaggagi’s boasts, including claims of connections to Mexico’s drug cartel and access to AK-47s.

On the social media site Telegram, where the California-born man of Yemeni descent was repeatedly kicked out for violating the terms of service, he pitted Sunni Muslims against Shia.

He also teased Wiccans, who practice a contemporary form of paganism.

Al-Haggagi pled guilty to the charges and in 2019, was sentenced to nearly 16 years in prison.

The Ninth Circuit ruled the judge in Al-Haggagi’s case abused his discretion in applying a terrorism enhancement to the sentence.

The Ninth Circuit also reduced his sentence to 18 months. The ruling means Al-Haggagi could be released by this summer.

In a court document, federal prosecutors told the court the right decision was handed down in 2019 and believe Al-Haggagi should stay behind bars to protect the public from further crimes.

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