Al Qaeda-linked terrorists launch ‘massive assault surrounding town

Al Qaeda-linked terrorists launch ‘massive assault surrounding town

Al Qaeda-linked terrorists have stepped up attacks launching a massive assault on a town in Burkina Faso, killing at least 80 people.

The country, along with neighbours Mali and Niger, has been facing Islamic terrorist insurgencies from groups linked to ISIS and Al Qaeda.

This latest attack was believed to be carried out by Ansarul Islam – a terrorist group that works closely with Jama’a Nusrat ul-Islam wa al-Muslimin (JNIM) which has sworn its allegiance to Al Qaeda.

According to unconfirmed reports on social media, the town of Séguénéga in northern Burkina Faso was surrounded by terrorists and defence forces were overwhelmed after an attack in the area.

The suspected attack comes just days after JMIN reportedly attacked a refugee camp in neighbouring Niger.

JNMI appeared to confirm the attack, posting to Telegram: “Our mujahideen attacked a headquarters for the Burkina Faso military near Séguénéga… killing many of them [on May 22, 2024.]

Counter-terrorism say that Africa is now the world’s terrorism hot spot, with half of the victims killed last year in sub-Saharan Africa, though al-Qaida and Islamic State affiliates remain widespread, persistent and active elsewhere around the globe.

Interpol, the international criminal police agency, also reported during a panel discussion at the UN last year that terrorism linked to extreme right-wing ideology increased an estimated 50-fold over the past decade, particularly in Europe, North America and parts of the Asia-Pacific.

Source » msn