Mark Levin: Al-Qaeda, ISIS are actively using diversity lottery system to put sleeper cells in our country
Nationally syndicated radio talk show host Mark Levin slammed the Diversity Immigrant Visa (green card lottery) program in an interview with Sean Hannity on FOX News Tuesday night. He said a lottery is no way to run an immigration system. Levin said a caller, a counter-intelligence veteran, told him al Qaeda and ISIS are “actively” using the program to install sleeper cells in the U.S
“It took effect in 1995,” Levin said of the bill. “People go online and they apply. They apply online. It’s a lottery system. That is no way to run immigration system. I had a caller on my radio program tonight and he said, he used to work counter intelligence. Al Qaeda and ISIS have actively been working to use this program to put sleepers in our country.”
Levin said we have forgotten what the purpose of immigration is. Immigration is supposed to benefit the United States, not to ensure diversity from the foreigners coming into this country.
“Immigration is supposed to improve the United States it has nothing to do with improving other countries and so forth,” he said.
“This mass killer has claimed an association with ISIS, hasn’t he? This diversity visa program should be gutted. We don’t need a diversity visa program with 50,000 people a year come into this country through a lottery system, because we want diversity from different countries,” Levin declared.
Levin said after 9/11, you would have thought people would take the issue of immigration more seriously.
“Immigration is about national security,” the broadcaster said. “Once people get into the country it becomes far more complicated. So you want to stop them at the border. And when the President of the United States said, as he did when he first came into office, we can’t vet these people. Some of these governments are effective war with us and some of them don’t exist. Some of them are involved in civil war. You know, we can’t call Yemen and say, hey, can you check this guy out on your computer system? There is no computer system. There is no effective government. What the President is saying is… you can’t bring people in from these countries until we figure out what’s going on.”
Source: Real Clear Politics