Teens accused of terror plot found with knives and ISIS note
Two teenagers accused of planning a terror attack in Sydney were allegedly found with knives and a note pledging allegiance to Islamic State.
Crown Prosecutor Ian Bourke SC told a Supreme Court jury today the letter was not finished.
“I advise you to fear God and follow the steps of the mess of God and pledge allegiance to the caliphate because whoever dies without pledging allegiance will die a pre-Islamic death,” the court was told the letter read.
The boys, who were then aged 16 and cannot be identified, faced trial today.
They were arrested in October 2016 inside a prayer hall in Bankstown after they bought the bayonets in a gun shop.
While the Crown alleges both held extremist views, one had those beliefs for many years.
When he was just 12 years old that boy held a sign up at the Hyde Park riots which read: “behead all those who insult the prophet.”
He had also refused to stand up for the Australian national anthem at a school assembly.
“I will only stand up for Allah and I do not respect the Australian Government because they sent troops overseas to kill the men and rape the women,” he allegedly told his school principal.
The Crown alleged the second boy followed his lead, but also travelled to a known terror region in Egypt while on a family trip.
The day before the arrest one of the boys allegedly looked up an image online which had the words, “I am a warrior of Islam and my path is Jihad”.
Both have pleaded not guilty to doing an act in preparation or planning for a terrorist act.
One of their barristers asked the jury to ask themselves if the boy was anything more than a young, enthusiastic and curious Muslim.
Source: 9News