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GFATF LLL Abu Ali Jawad

Abu Ali Jawad


Position: Head of Nasrallah’s security unit.

Background: Abu Ali Jawad, the bodyguard and son-in-law of Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah. The size of the unit Jawad commands on is estimated around 200 people and the closest circle is estimated around 40-50.

Also Known As: Abu Ali;

Location: Lebanon;

Address: Lebanon; Iran; Syria;

On another Facebook account under the name of ‘Faris Al-Quds’, a picture of ‘Abu Ali’ was published, showing him wearing a military uniform. The caption said that the picture belonged to Nasrallah’s body guard.

One Facebook account under the name ‘Mihwar Al-Mukawa” reported on Nov. 16 that Israel’s Channel 10 said that ‘Abu Ali’ is in Qusayr – a city in the western Syrian governorate of Homs – where a military parade was taking place.

Meanwhile, other Twitter accounts under the names of ‘Ali Nazal’ and ‘Abu Al-Huda Al-Humsi’ on Nov. 18 said “Iranian websites close to Iran’s Republican Guards said Hezbollah has sent Hassan Nasrallah’s guard to Aleppo, and he is called Ali Abu Jawad in search for Jerusalem’s path.”

‘Jerusalem’s path’ is a term used by Hezbollah to justify its involvement in the Syrian conflict as it considers liberation of Jerusalem from Israel as its final battle that should be won for Muslims.

Lebanese media has also reported about the pictures.

The independent Lebanese newspaper Annahar published on Tuesday that social media users have circulated a new picture for ‘Abu Al’, said to be taken at the “frontier battles between the Syrian army and militants in Aleppo.”

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