LLL - GFATF - Entity Cover Img

Abi Rizal Afif


Born: 1994;

Place of Birth: Indonesia;

Gender: Male;

Nationality: Indonesian;

General Info:
Abi Rizal Afif is a man who was arrested recently for kidnapping boys has claimed that he had received terror convictions and left prison a couple of months ago.

He was arrested at a mosque in Kebayoran Lama, South Jakarta, where police also rescued 10 children believed to be his victims.

According to the suspect’s accounts, he has been imprisoned three times, two of which were related to terrorism.

The suspect claimed that he was involved in military training by a militant group in the Central Sulawesi town of Poso and in a terror attack in front of Sarinah shopping mall in Jakarta in 2016.

During the raid, Abi was shot in the leg with police claiming that he had resisted arrest.

Police are investigating the motive behind the kidnapping, but at least one victim said he had been sexually abused.

Abi’s claim of terror convictions is being investigated after a prison official said the suspect’s name was not found in the list of former prisoners in Gunung Sindur prison in Bogor.

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