Driver’s License No.: 3284670 (expires: 21 August 2017);
Identification Number: 284080201511.
Al-‘Anizi is designated for providing financial, material, technological support or other services to, al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and al-Nusrah Front in Syria between late 2013 and late 2015.
As of 2010, al-‘Anizi served as a communications conduit for al-Qaeda senior leadership.
In late 2013, he made plans to solicit funds from donors to help move al-Qaeda extremists from Pakistan to Syria.
In 2014, al-‘Anizi obtained money to support al-Nusrah Front and made arrangements to send funding to al-Nusrah Front in Syria.
In mid-2014, al-‘Anizi provided funding to support the movement of al-Qaeda members from Pakistan. In early 2015 Al-‘Anizi sent money for al-Qaeda.
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