Abdulaziz Abu Munye
Born: 1992;
Place of Birth: London, United Kingdom;
Gender: Male;
Nationality: British;
General Info:
Abdulaziz Abu Munye is the partner of Asma Aweys, and also he got arrested when police investigating a burglary plot found terrorist propaganda on his mobile device.
Munye, who lived with Asma Aweys also sent a a 58-minute Islamic State propaganda video, called Flames Of War 2, to his brother in law. The video contained footage of brutal executions, battle scenes and references to attacks in the West.
When the police saw what was on Ahmed Aweys phone, the investigation quickly escalated into a terrorism probe involving him, his sister and her husband.
In their Whatsapp conversations, Ahmed Aweys and Abdulaziz Munye laughed about a sickening video that showed people being brutally executed by terrorists.
Munye was jailed for one year and three months for one count of disseminating a terrorist publication.