Abdalraouf Abdallah
Born: 1993;
Place of Birth: Manchester, United Kingdom;
Gender: Male;
Nationality: British;
General Info:
Abdalraouf Abdallah was convicted of terrorist offences in 2016 and was given a sentence of nine-and-a-half years, the last four of which were due to be spent on licence.
His release comes amid a public inquiry into the 2017 bombing at an Ariana Grande concert, which left 22 people dead and hundreds more injured.
The inquiry has heard that Abdallah has “important evidence” to give on the background of the attack. However, he is currently refusing to speak to police, citing his legal privilege not to answer questions which might incriminate himself.
He was paralysed in 2011 while fighting in Libya, before coming back to the UK to receive treatment.
Abdallah was considered to be a “dangerous” offender by the judge who sentenced him, he was able to receive unvetted visitors because he was a Category B inmate.
Abdallah will be released on the strictest parole. The measures are thought to include being fitted with a GPS tag, adhering to a curfew, taking part in a de-radicalisation scheme and only using the internet under supervision.