Konto-Nr.: 207 2080 00; BLZ: 390 700 24, Deutsche Bank AG.
While the Egyptian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood has chosen Munich as its base of operations in Germany, its Syrian branch is headquartered in Aachen. The city is now home to a large Muslim population including the prominent Syrian Al-Attar family. The first Attar to move to Aachen was Issam, who was leader of the Syrian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. Issam el-Attar was IZA director during 1978-1996.
With time, Islamists from other countries adopted Bilal mosque in Aachen as their base of operations. From hosting exiled Algerian terrorists to operating the Al-Aqsa organization, a charity designated by the U.S. Department of Treasury as a financial front for Hamas.
The Syrian Muslim Brotherhood base in Aachen kept close relations with their Egyptian counterparts. The Aachen Islamic Center reportedly received funding from Al-Taqwa Bank. Staff members have rotated between the Islamic Centers in Aachen and Munich. Nevertheless, some distance remains. The Syrian Muslim Brotherhood has never joined the IGD, instead preferring to keep some form of independence.
The Aachen Islamic Center currently operates under the ZMD.
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