Year: 2023

GFATF LLL Khaled Chouman

Khaled Chouman

Part of the family business “Shuman for Currency Exchange SARL”, Financier of Hezbollah and Hamas.

GFATF LLL Seka Musa Baluku

Seka Musa Baluku

Under Seka Musa Baluku’s leadership, ISIS-DRC targets, kills, maims, rapes, and commits other sexual violence and engages in abduction of civilians, including children

GFATF LLL Hassan Izz-al-Din

Hassan Izz-al-Din

For decades there is no information about him. He used to be an operative of Hezbollah. He’s been wanted for his role in the 1985...

GFATF - LLL - Ali Mohammed Rage

Ali Mohammed Rage

Ali Mohamed Rage, also known as Ali Dhere, is al Shabaab’s head spokesman and a member of the group’s Shura Council.