Month: June 2023

GFATF LLL Farouk Abdul Hay Omairi

Farouk Abdul Hay Omairi

A key figure of in Hezbollah drug smuggling apparatus at the TBA that assisted to unit 910 operatives to receive false documentation before the terror...

GFATF LLL Abdallah Salman

Abdallah Salman

He was part of the squad of unit 910 that took out the terror attacks in Argentina in 1992 and 1994 in Buenos Aires

GFATF LLL Hussein Mounir Mouzannar

Hussein Mounir Mouzannar

Involved in the financial and the logistical assistance to the squad of unit 910 that took out the attack in the AMIA building in 1994...

How the Islamic State funds Uganda’s ADF

The Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), created in Uganda, have become the “province” of the Islamic State in Central Africa. On Friday 16 June, the people...