Month: September 2022

GFATF - LLL - Mohammad Ali Minaei

Mohammad Ali Minaei aka Mohammadi

Position: Head of Unit 840 station in Iraq. Background: He is also works for unit 400 and he is Hamed Abdollahi ‘s special operations deputy...

GFATF - LLL - Hassan Kasemi

Hassan Kasemi

Position: A Quds Force operative stationed in Syria/Lebanon. Background: He is involved in a joint project of Quds Force and Hezbollah’s ESO (unit 910) that...

GFATF - LLL - Abdolreza Shahlaei

Abdolreza Shahlaei

Position: Quds Force’s commander in Yemen (unit 400). Background: He oversees the strong connection with the Houthis, including weapon supply, training, intelligence gathering and operations....

GFATF - LLL - Hassan Polark 2

Hassan Polark

Position: Special adviser to the commander of Quds Force and member of Quds Force’s Command Council. Supervisor of the Quds Force headquarters’ projects – reports...