Year: 2019

LLL - GFATF - Hassan Aboud

Hassan Aboud

Hassan Abboud, also known under his nom de guerre Abu Abdullah al-Hamawi, was one of the founders of Ahrar al-Sham and was part of its...


Martyrs Foundation

The Martyrs Foundation is an Iranian parastatal organization that channels financial support from Iran to several terrorist organizations in the Levant, including Hizballah, Hamas, and...


Abu Jaber Shaykh

Hashim al-Shaykh, also known by his nom de guerre Abu Jaber Shaykh is a rebel commander during the Syrian Civil War who is a senior...


Husayn al-Shami

Husayn al-Shami, the head of Bayt al-Mal, is a senior Hizballah leader who has served as a member of Hizballah's Shura Council and as the...